Geddes City Council Meeting
Monday, August 12, 2024
The monthly meeting of the Geddes City Council was held at the City Finance Office in Geddes, SD. The meeting was called to order by Mayor, Mike Krietlow, at 7:30 p.m. with the following council members present: Carol Oberbroekling, Amy Rolland, Monica Vander Pol, Sue Schulte, Andy Kok and Sandy Gant. Also present was Donna Paulson, Finance Officer.
Established changes to the agenda were the Southern Missouri Recycling & Waste Management meeting and trucks blocking a road.
No public input.
Sandy Gant made a motion to approve the July, 2024 minutes. Andy Kok seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
July, 2024 financial reports were presented. A motion was made by Sue Schulte and seconded by Amy Rolland to approve these reports. Motion carried unanimously.
August, 2024 disbursements were presented. Amy Rolland made a motion to approve the August, 2024 disbursements and Monica Vander Pol seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Bills as followed were paid:
To Whom: | CK # | Total All | Description |
NorthWestern Energy | 7313 | $ 1,998.82 | Electricity |
Randall Comm Water Dist. | 7314 | $ 549.20 | Water bills |
Geddes Farmers Coop | 7315 | $ 350.74 | Gas/battery |
Charles Mix County News | 7316 | $ 56.72 | Publishing |
Midstate Communications | DWD | $ 167.78 | Phone/Internet |
Rural Development | DWD | $ 2,030.00 | Sewer payment |
Mike Krietlow | 7317 | $166.23 | Salary |
Sandy Gant | 7318 | $92.35 | Salary |
Andy Kok | 7319 | $64.64 | Salary |
Carol Oberbroekling | 7320 | $92.35 | Salary |
Amy Rolland | 7321 | $92.35 | Salary |
Sue Schulte | 7322 | $92.35 | Salary |
Monica Vander Pol | 7323 | $92.35 | Salary |
Donna Paulson | 7324 | $1,094.99 | Wages |
Ty Rolland | 7325 | $620.60 | Wages |
Trevor Rolland | 7326 | $55.56 | Wages/gas |
IRS | DWD | $522.43 | Payroll tax |
Whalen Law Office | 7327 | $125.00 | Retainer fee |
Galen Vander Pol | 7328 | $100.00 | Lease rent |
Kranig's Tractor Repair | 7329 | $297.99 | Rep. dump trlr. |
Ringling Gravel & Constr. | 7330 | $770.71 | Gravel |
SD Federal Property | 7331 | $3,000.00 | Pesticide spray |
Geddes General Store | 7332 | $21.98 | Plunger/keys |
Pheasantland Industry | 7333 | $76.15 | Signs |
CM Co. Weed Board | 7334 | $300.00 | Mosquito spray |
| $ 12,831.29 |
Old Business:
Donna informed the council that she emailed Brad Lawrence, Brosz Engineering, to inform him that the council approved of putting a mat on the tennis court.
Donna contacted Dale Strandberg, Astec, to see if someone could come let us know what roads can be down and an approximate cost. Dale has not responded back.
New Business:
Andy Kok made a motion to purchase a Clark pesticide sprayer from the SD Federal Property Agency for $3000.00. Sue Schulte seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously
Carol Oberbroekling attended the Southern Missouri Recycling & Waste Management meeting and gave an update.
Complaints have been received regarding Strehlow Bee trucks parking on Missouri Avenue and blocking the road and also leaving the truck parked on the road overnight. Donna was informed to send them a letter.
Building permit application from Cit Kline was received. Carol Oberbroekling made a motion to approve the building permit. Sandy Gant seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Monica Vander Pol made a motion to adjourn at 7:49 p.m. Andy Kok seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
_____________________________________ ____________________________________
Mike Krietlow, Mayor Donna Paulson, Finance Officer
“This institution is an equal opportunity provider.”