Geddes City Council Meeting
Monday, October 14, 2024
The monthly meeting of the Geddes City Council was held at the City Finance Office in Geddes, SD. The meeting was called to order by Mayor, Mike Krietlow, at 7:30 p.m. with the following council members present: Carol Oberbroekling, Amy Rolland, Sue Schulte, Andy Kok and Sandy Gant. Also present was Donna Paulson, Finance Officer, Amanda Vasek and Dave and Jen Derschan.
Established changes to the agenda were the upcoming commissioner’s meeting, 4H Building, an approach and culvert.
No public input.
Sandy Gant made a motion to approve the September, 2024 minutes. Amy Rolland seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
September, 2024 financial reports were presented. A motion was made by Carol Oberbroekling and seconded by Andy Kok to approve these reports. Motion carried unanimously.
October, 2024 disbursements were presented. Sue Schulte made a motion to approve the October, 2024 disbursements and Amy Rolland seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Bills as followed were paid:
To Whom: CK # Total All Description
NorthWestern Energy 7353 $ 1,640.89 Electricity
Randall Comm Water Dist. 7354 $ 462.80 Water bills
Geddes Farmers Coop 7355 $ 345.07 Gas/diesel
Midstate Communications DWD $ 161.12 Phone/Internet
Rural Development DWD $ 2,030.00 Sewer payment
Mike Krietlow 7356 $166.23 Salary
Sandy Gant 7357 $92.35 Salary
Andy Kok 7358 $92.35 Salary
Carol Oberbroekling 7359 $120.05 Salary
Amy Rolland 7360 $92.35 Salary
Sue Schulte 7361 $92.35 Salary
Monica Vander Pol 7362 $64.64 Salary
Donna Paulson 7363 $1,269.22 Wages/postage
Ty Rolland 7364 $265.96 Wages
IRS DWD $489.57 Payroll tax
Whalen Law Office 7365 $125.00 Retainer fee
Galen Vander Pol 7366 $100.00 Lease rent
Unemployment Ins. Of SD 7367 $22.53 3rd qtr. UI
Office Products Center 7368 $48.24 Envelopes
Heiman Fire Equipment 7369 $126.50 Extinguisher ser
Pleasantland 7370 $17.09 Freight
Knudson Backhoe 7371 $46,428.00 Drainage proj.
Suck It Up Solutions 7372 $1,290.00 Vac/labor
CH Co. Weed & Pest 7373 $75.00 Mosquito fog
Dept. of Ag & Nat. Res 7374 $6,657.95 Loan payment
Presto-X 7375 $795.77 Sentricon serv.
Brosz Engineering 7376 $4,930.00 Drainage proj.
TOTAL $ 68,001.03
Old Business:
Mike Krietlow informed the council that Ralph with Commercial Asphalt was in town and he and Andy Kok rode around town to discuss our street project. Ralph provided an estimate of $137,880.00 to do seven blocks. Ralph will check back with the city after the first of the year to give another estimate as prices may change.
A second reading of Ordinance 2025-01 2025 Annual Budget was held. Carol Oberbroekling made a motion to approve the 2025 Annual Budget. Andy Kok seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
# City of Geddes
2025 Budget
Ordinance 2025 - 01
Appropriations Receipts
Mayor & Council 9,200.00 Liquor Comm. 6,000
Election 500.00 Penalty & interest 300
Legal 3,000.00 Current Tax 63,000
Finance 16,000.00 5% municipalities 8,800
Employee Benefit/Taxes 7,000.00 Wheel tax 4,000
Police 0.00 Sewer 48,000
Streets 142,850.00 Water 2,000
Fire 200.00 SalesTax 116,000
Insurance 13,000.00 Inter gov't. 56,000
Water 7,000.00 Total 304,100
Sewer 30,000.00
Telephone & Office 2,500.00
Parks & Rec 16,850.00
Clean Up 3,500.00
Capital Assets 7,500.00
General 45,000.00
Total 304,100
TOTAL 304,100 Total 304,100
Dated at Geddes, South Dakota
this 9th day of September, 2024
Mike Krietlow, Mayor
Donna Paulson, Finance Officer By: ____________________________
First Reading: 09-09-24
Published: 09-19-24 Approval:
Second Reading: 10-14-24
Attest: _______________________
Donna Paulson, Finance Officer
New Business:
Amanda Vasek met before the council to ask for a reduction in the Blue Room liquor commission for 2024. After discussion, Donna was informed to contact Attorney, Tim Whalen, to discuss this.
Carol Oberbroekling attended the Southern Missouri Recycling & Waste Management meeting and gave an update to the council.
Sandy Gant informed the council that the county commissioner’s meeting will be held at the county shop on 10-24-24 in Geddes. The council is invited to attend.
Sandy Gant also informed the council that the Charles Mix County Fair Board is trying to build a new 4H building somewhere within the county. The new building will include a commercial kitchen, dining hall for 300, board room, rodeo size arena and a shooting sports area. They will need at least 10 acres of land to build.
Amy Rolland made a motion for the new building to be built in Geddes. Carol Oberbroekling seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
During the drainage project, an approach was taken out on 5th and Michigan Avenue. Mike informed the council that he talked with Heath Knudson and the approach will be put back in.
Mike informed the council that Meyerink Farm Service is making 2 iron lids to cover the culvert on 4th Street.
Maintenance: Mike informed the council that the highway on the council road will be repaired, trees at the north end of Main Street will be removed and the restrooms at the city park and ballfield will be winterized. In 2025, Northwestern Energy will be eliminating the non-metered holiday lighting option. The city will be good for the 2024 holiday lighting season.
Sue Schulte made a motion to adjourn at 8:08 p.m. Andy Kok seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
_____________________________________ ____________________________________
Mike Krietlow, Mayor Donna Paulson, Finance Officer
“This institution is an equal opportunity provider.”